104's Official Wiki
NPC: Jonas D'Accor

Location: JASPER - Pietro's Wicked Brews


As front-line grunt and later a wise general, Jonas D'Accor has fought every manner of evil that has besieged the Meridian cities. Despite that, he has lost the position of Weapon's Master to Rook and the esteemed seat on the Meridian Council to Cylill. He fancies himself far superior to both, particularly when it comes to strategy and tactics, considering both men to be simple brawlers. In truth, his swordplay is merely adequate, though his tactics are superb.


Faction leader for the Rebels, supporting Jonas gives you a bonus to hit, damage, and learning and Weaponcraft.

Techniques learned from Jonas the Rebel help your attack do more damage.

Jonas the Rebel's guidance helps you to recuperate faster.

Inspired by Jonas the Rebel, you take a moment to study your actions for ways to improve.

Joining this faction will give you the following benefits:

  • Learn bonus (Skills)
  • Hitroll bonus
  • Regen (HP)
  • Bonus: Small (constant) damage bonus

Spells/Skills Sold: