104's Official Wiki
Armor: Robes of the Disciple


Heavy and warm, disciple robes typically denote a fervent (and some would say unhealthy) dedication to one school or another. These robes bear the insignia of [SCHOOL NAME] and will give bonuses to spells in that school.

Based upon how many levels in the required school the wearer has, at max level Robes of the Disciple give +20 spell power to their school and +5 spellpower to all other schools.

For example a Qor robe will have +20 Qor spellpower and +5 shal/faren/kran/riija/jala spellpower.

Robes of the Disciple

Armor 0 Durability 650-550 Spellpower %%
Weight 130 Bulk 160 Defense +20

Resistances are %'s:

Magic 0 Cold 0 Shock +15 Fire -10
Quake 0 Holy 0 Unholy 0 Acid 0
Weapons -10 Pierce 0 Thrust 0 Slash 0
Bludgeon 0

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