104's Official Wiki
Creature: Ghost of Far'Nohl
Kocatani: far'nohl kotezleoc


Rags and rotten flesh hang on the bones of this magical apparition. This is the ghost of a former tyrant of Meridian, Far'Nohl, who gave his life and soul to the dark arts.

Ghost of Far'Nohl

Hit Point Max: 220
Difficulty: 9
Speed: Fast
Attack: ???
Range: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -100

  • Weakness Magic Weapons: -50
  • Weakness Holy: -50
  • Resist Fire: 90
  • Resist Cold: 90
  • Resist Unholy: 90
  • Resist Acid: 90
  • Resist Non-Magic Weapons: 90

    Special Attacks: Can cast Fireball, sometimes very rapidly!

    Location: The Throne Room (Castle Victoria)

    Comments: Be Aware: The Ghost of Far'Nohl will resurrect, complete with a red-italic message ("Witness my revenge, trespasser!") when a player remains in the Throne Room.

    Best Weapon(s): Riija Sword, Mystic Sword

    Notable Loot: Mystic Sword, Ring of Invisibility, Disciple Robe, Fine Lute, Key, Truce Scroll, Hold Wand, Cyan Mushroom