More XP
Big boost on XP per kill, build as many characters as you want faster than anywhere else!

Enjoy Building
With XP, loot, and spawn rate increased, building is fast and fun! Don't worry about being behind, you can catch up in no time and be competitive.

Awesome Loot
We increased the loot tables on a lot of monsters as well as increased the chance for magic items to drop. Shilling drops have also been increased.

Combined Vaults
We combined the Island and Mainland vaults making one big, connected & convenient vault! Banks have also been connected. Conveyance has been updated accordingly.

Interactive Events
Our admins will host fun and challenging events for our players keeping them on their toes and filling their pockets with loot!

Server for the players
This server is for the players meaning if you have a suggestion or idea, please let us know so we can get it in the game if it is doable with our small team!
Change your stats mid-game
Get your hands on a trinket (acquired by killing tough monsters) and you can change your stats mid-game. Players also enjoy 20 extra stat points available at character creation!

Tough monsters and riches!
Fighting the most dangerous monsters in the game is now a little more dangerous! Defeating these buffed beasts will reward you with great wealth and treasure.

Your hosts.
Meet your team of dedicated hosts. We will work hard to guarantee everyone receives a Classic Meridian 59 experience without having to deal with any of the past corruption or abuse from the official servers.

Copy Rights
Meridian 59 is a registered trademark of Andrew and Christopher Kirmse