104's Official Wiki
Riija: Level 3: Vertigo


This spell causes the victim to become so ill that they can hardly stand, much less fight. Requires dragonfly eyes and solagh. Casting this spell can cause you to be labeled an outlaw.


Spell Power:

Higher % and spell power factors will decrease the focus time to cast as well as the amount of points taken away from the targets dodging and hitting abilities.

The effect of this spell is seriously detrimental to those who rely on the character screen to move, fight, and/or escape. The entire screen is warped similar to when you drink ale, only much much worse and for a great deal longer.

Powerful support spell in PvP combat.

Update: This spell reduces the target's might, agility, and aim scores by as much 25 points.

Suggested Spell For Next Level:

CHEAP and EASY to build up - run through the Ko'catan Jungle with a large amount of dragonfly eyes and cast on every available mob.

Version Release: 05. Revelations

Requires focused concentration!
Mana Effect: -8
Vigor Effect: -10

Purchase from NPC:

Required reagents: