104's Official Wiki
Kraanan: Level 1: Create Food


The power of Kraanan is summoned to materialize various nourishing foods. Requires elderberries and herbs to cast.

Create Food

Spell Power:

The % and spellpower factors will decrease the cast time and increase the chance of creating more valued food such as turkey legs, wheels of cheese, and even Inky-Cap mushrooms.

Resurrection: Now creates grapes, loaf of bread, meat pies, wheels of cheese, inky cap mushrooms, and Turkey Legs.

Note: Formerly Level 2 Shal'ille.
Update : 2 herbs, 2 elderberries.

Update: NDS has added a small focus time for this spell.

Version Release: 05. Revelations

Requires focused concentration!
Mana Effect: -9

Purchase from NPC:

Required reagents:
  • Elderberry, (2) gn="CENTER" size="1" width="60%" color="#800000">