104's Official Wiki
DM spells: Not Implemented Spells: Seduce


You worm your way into the mind of a weak-willed creature, in the hope that it will follow you and fight for you if you are attacked. Requires web moss and firesand. Casting this spell can cause you to be labeled an outlaw.


This spell makes a monster follow you around and attack everything that attacks you.

Why isn't this spell in the game? I do not know, it works, it's not bugged, the only real downside to it is that it constantly drains mana so you loose controll of the monster in like 20 seconds, so it's pretty much useless but if it was in the game without the mana drain or atleast a slower one Riija definatly would be a school of choice just for this single spell.

Version Release: 05. Revelations

Purchase from NPC:

Required reagents: