104's Official Wiki
Creature: Slime
Kocatani: kinachot


A mass of quivering goo, the slime inches forward leaving a sickly trail behind. The remains of its last victim are visible within its transparent innards.


Hit Point Max: 35
Difficulty: 4
Speed: Slow
Attack: Magic: Acid
Range: 3
Type: Neutral
Karma: 0

  • Weakness Cold: -25
  • Resist Bludgeon: 15
  • Resist Weapons: 45
  • Resist Unholy: 45
  • Resist Shock: 45
  • Resist Acid: 45
  • Resist Holy: 45

  • Special Attacks: Making you fear looking in the mirror.

    Location: Outskirts of Barloque, Main Gate of Barloque, near the Ocean


    Notable Loot: