104's Official Wiki
Creature: Narthyl Worm
Kocatani: tepna'arthyl


In spite of its other wordly hideousness, the narthyl worm's lithe movements are intensely hypnotic. Every nerve in your body is screaming danger,ringing dully through the trance-like state that seems to be descending over your mind.

Narthyl Worm

Hit Point Max: 130
Difficulty: 7
Speed: Slow
Attack: Pierce
Range: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -70

  • Weakness Holy: -20
  • Resist Unholy: 70
  • Resist Pierce: 70
  • Resist Thrust: 70
  • Resist Shock: 70
  • Resist Fire: 70

  • Special Attacks: Vigor is drained whenever they land a successful hit.

    Location: The Basement of Castle Victoria (inside the Wooden Crate), The Ancient Graveyard of Brax, The Decaying City of Brax, The Ruins of Castle Brax


    Notable Loot: Wizard Hat