104's Official Wiki
Creature: Living Tree
Kocatani: tezmecya


A primordial spirit flows through the dark branches of this ancient being. A forest scent of aged wood and fertile earth tingles your nostrils.

You wonder if the story that it can summon lightning bolts to protect the forest is really true.

Living Tree

Hit Point Max: 60
Difficulty: 4
Speed: None - Stationary
Attack: Whip, Lightning Bolt
Spell Power: 50
Max Mana: 12
Type: Good
Karma: 50

  • Weakness Slash: -10
  • Weakness Fire: -10
  • Resist Bludgeon: 50
  • Resist Cold: 50

  • Special Attacks: Lightning Bolt! (8%?)

    Location: Deep Woods of Illeria, Faronath Home of the Tree Folk, Forest of Farol, Deep in the Forest of Farol, The Deep Forest of Farol

    Comments: Living Trees will aggro on any negative karma characters that enter the area; you will hear their screams of rage. Beware of their lightning bolt!

    Additionally, it appears if you attack a tree with Fire, it will increase the chance of attacking with Lightning Bolt!

    Notable Loot: