104's Official Wiki
Creature: Tusked Skeleton
Kocatani: ha'chaleoc


A few scraps of rotten flesh cling to this collection of human bones topped by a skull with large tusks protruding from its mouth. You shudder to think what dark ritual brought this abomination into being.

Tusked Skeleton

Hit Point Max: 120
Difficulty: 6
Speed: Fast
Attack: Slash
Range: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -70

  • Weakness Bludgeon: -20
  • Weakness Holy: -20
  • Weakness Fire: -10
  • Resist Pierce: 70
  • Resist Unholy: 70
  • Resist Thrust: 40
  • Resist Shock: 70
  • Resist Cold: 70

  • Special Attacks: May cast Dementia on you (5%)

    Location: The Throne Room of Castle Victoria, Brax - The Winding Caverns, The Ancient Graveyard of Brax, Decaying City of Brax, Within the Walls of Castle Brax, Ruins of Castle Brax, Dungeon of Castle Brax.


    Notable Loot: