104's Official Wiki
Creature: Shadowbeast
Kocatani: teotkriipa


A magical abomination that hybrids the jungle kriipa with some quasi-substantial entity from the nether world. Residual Qor magic seems to make the air darker when this foul beast is near. Although they mainly prey on cave orcs, the shadowbeast have been known to kill humans on occasion.


Hit Point Max: 200
Difficulty: 7
Speed: Average
Attack: Slash
Range: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -100
Light Penalty: 15

  • Weakness Holy: -25
  • Weakness Shock: -15
  • Weakness Fire: -15
  • Resist Slash: 60
  • Resist Cold: 20

  • Special Attacks:

    Location: Archaic Hollows and Aqueducts of Merb

    Comments: This guy hits like a truck, and fairly rapidly. Consider using Spiritual Hammer on this Terror in the Dark.

    Notable Loot: Keys, Apprentice Wands, Mystic Swords, Yellow, Green, and Cyan Mushrooms.