104's Official Wiki
Creature: Living Statue


This statue is the image of some ancient mason.

(This is a random bio.)

This statue is the image of some ancient soldier.

(These soldiers are tougher.)

Living Statue

Hit Point Max: 75
Difficulty: 5
Speed: Average
Attack: Slash
Range: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -40
Resist/Weakness: Ignores Dazzle, Blind, and Seduce.

Special Attacks: 20% chance of being a Soldier, Increasing level by 15 and Difficulty by 2


Comments: The fun things about these guys is that they actually fall apart as you kill them. =)

Notable Loot: Small chance for a Soldier to drop a Rose on death. (looks like 1% chance AFTER a previous loot roll is made?)