104's Official Wiki
Creature: Dusk Rat
Kocatani: teotnapyijoa


The air around the rat is dark and thick with evil. The smell of death and disease linger on its fetid breath as it darts towards its target. The origins of this abomination are unknown. The only definite knowledge known is of the deadly poison it carries in its bite.

Dusk Rat

Hit Point Max: 90
Difficulty: 6
Speed: Very Fast
Attack: Claw
Range: 3
Light Penalty: 3
Type: Evil
Karma: -40

  • Weakness Fire: -30
  • Resist Bludgeon: 10
  • Resist Slash: 20

    Special Attacks: Poison and Vertigo - A unique and powerful poison that not only quickly drains your hit points and reduces your vigor, but will also cause vertigo, decreasing your fighting related statistics.

    Location: The Island Sewers/Hidden Sanctuary.

    Comments: These rats quickly detect players, swarm and will frequently poison you...a challenge to even a seasoned warrior.

    Notable Loot: These rats will drop mainland reagents such as browns, herbs, and elderberries when killed.