104's Official Wiki
Creature: Dark Angel
Kocatani: ozangelis


Travelling under cover of darkness, the Dark Angels seek the souls of people to consume. They are pure evil, lashing out at any that wander near them. Surely these beasts are the handservants of Qor!

Dark Angel

Hit Point Max: 150
Difficulty: 7
Speed: Faster
Attack: Magic: Fireball
Range: 7
Type: Evil
Karma: -100

  • Weakness Magical Weapon: -5
  • Resist Cold: 50
  • Resist Fire: 50
  • Resist Shock: 50
  • Resist Nerudite: 75

    Special Attacks: May cause Blind, Evil Twin, Hold, Reflection, Discordance, Enfeeble, and Forget



    Notable Loot: