104's Official Wiki
Armor: Magic Spirit Helm


Finely crafted and ornate in its design, this impressive looking piece of headgear is eerily cold to the touch. The Duke commissioned Fehr'loi Qan with the aid of Priestess Qerti'nya to create these helmets specifically for winners of officially sanctioned tournaments.

One of the most sought after items in the game. Only obtainable through auctions, tournaments and/or player trades. Very costly, so be prepared to shell out some serious shillings for this one. This helmet will provide roughly the same protection as Kraanan's Resist Magic spell.

Magic Spirit Helm

Armor 1 Durability 400-500 Spellpower +5
Weight 30 Bulk 50 Defense +25

Resistances are %'s:

Magic +15 Cold 0 Shock 0 Fire 0
Quake 0 Holy 0 Unholy 0 Acid 0
Weapons 0 Pierce 0 Thrust 0 Slash 0
Bludgeon 0 Blind +15 Hold +15 Heat Damage 1